Sunday, 1 September 2019

10MM Seven Years War Russians

So after the Giant army I went the opposite way and returned to some 10mm Seven Years Wars.  As part of my Seven Years War collection I'm building the Russian army for the battle of Zorndoff.
So lots of red uniforms.....and quite a few cossacks.

Here are a few pictures of the batch I painted 
9 Generals
 9 Horse Grenadiers
40 Grenadiers
120 Musketeers 

Sorry for the bad pics, IPad.


  1. Looks very nice, beautiful lines of battle...and generals!

  2. 10mm is perfect for big SYW battles.

  3. Thanks guys, I do like a big 7YW battle. The Russians and the French, when I start them will be a slow burn project.

    I have large Austrian, Prussian and Allied armies all complete
