I managed to get a game in when I was home last, I keep saying to myself I need to game more often but work and real life just keep getting in the way!
Anyway, at a new wargames club, South Somerset Wargamers, a small but friendly bunch of guys who formed their own group a few years ago and meet in Ilchester, Somerset.
This is not a battle report just a collection of game pictures. We played FoG Rennaissance, which to be fare is not my favorite set of rules but I had an enjoyable game and the guys in the group now and like the rule set.
So here's the pictures..........
Allies on the right French on the left |
French cavalry coming over the hill |
French cavalry on the right flank |
Allied dragoons screening the cavalry advance |
French infantry battle line |
Allied center holding the village. Two regiments of Danes hold the village. The buildings are actually 6mm, they are either Leven or Battlescene buildings. |
The two infantry centers shoot it out |
The Allied left flank advance |
The village, held by the Danes with the help of Huguenot French regiment on the road. | | | | | | | | | |
As I said the game was good fun to play and it gave me an opportunity to get my figures on the table but I think I prefer Black Powder/Pike and Shotte as unit shave to work as brigades which in my mind is more realistic.