Welocme one and all.
I have been encouraged to make this blog to share my love of wargaming and show my wide ranging intetests and how easily I get distracted in my projects!!
I have been playing with toy soldiers since I was a child but got into wargaming seriously just over ten years ago when I joine Illford Wargames Club.
At Ilford I was able to indulge in my main love 15mm Fantasy Mass Battle by playing and helping to develope DBF, thanks Madan, Pete and all!
However as I have said I am easily distracted and have a wid and varied wargames collection but only a few projects completed.
I'm now at Plymouth Association of Wargamers (PAW), a very friendly club for anyone in the area, and play a wide range of periods. I also paint figures for other club memebers from time to time.
I will post some pictures of my armies and those painted for other soon.
My 'main' projects for this year are
6mm Sci Fi, Epic and DRM
10mm WSS Reichs Army
15mm Alexandrian Macedonian
15mm Late Mycene (for Alan at PAW)
So as you can see quite a list so far........
Check back soon for some eye candy.